A surprise viewing of Biggs Orcas (Transients ) T55's ~ passing in front of Alert Bay this evening!

A quick blog this evening! We had just returned to Alert Bay off the 6.00 p.m. ferry and had been busy unpacking some shopping when a call from Helena www.orca-live.org alerted us to orcas approaching the Bay from Peppers Point on Cormorant Island, they were heading west and were very close along the shoreline amongst the kelp. Thanks to wonderful networking, many people were able to view the orcas as they made their way steadily along the shoreline. How wonderful to view them from our deck and see as they made their way, cutting across the Bay at 7:20 p.m. heading towards the navigational light at Yellow Bluff where they lingered for quite some time before proceeding on their way west, we could still view them at 7.50 p.m.. The photo's posted are poor quality, cropped and zoomed but still exciting to see even at such a distance away. Thanks to both Helena and Marie for identifying them and sharing the joy of them passing by us all "in the Bay"!T55A T55A IMG_1078 IMG_1100 IMG_1086 IMG_1085 IMG_1084