An awesome day with numerous Orcas and also wonderful viewing of Humpback Whales! Today's Sightings: Resident Orcas: A23s, A25s, A30s, A42s, A24s, A35s/A73, Humpback Whales, Dall's Porpoises, Harbour seals, Steller Sea lions, Bald Eagles, Belted Kingfishers, Red-necked Phalaropes, Marbled Murrelets, Black Turnstones and Rhinoceros Auklets.

It was an incredible day with multiple pods of orcas in the area and good sightings on both our morning and afternoon tours. Humpback whales including one identified as Freckles were seen with some surprise close viewing on both tours and there were 5-6 Dall's Porpoises wake surfing on the afternoon tour. There were breaching orcas on the morning tour among the A30's with the A23s and A25s trailing them.

The misty foggy weather we experienced this morning quickly turned into a gorgeous day with a blue sky and there was sunshine and wind on our afternoon tour.  Orcas in the count this afternoon included all of the A4s (35s/A73 and A24s) and the A42s. It was a really exciting orca day with a lot of activity amongst the groups!

Photo credits: Muriel Halle ~ photo's have been taken with a telephoto lens and cropped.