The Humpback Whales, waves and wind showed all of us a wonderful time!

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How marvellous was our last tour of the season where the Humpback Whales, wind and waves showed all of us a wonderful time!

Our sightings: Humpback Whales (10+), an American Mink, Steller Sea Lions, Harbour Seals, Dall's Porpoises, Bald Eagles, Common Murres, White-winged Scoters, Great Blue Herons, Belted Kingfishers, Pelagic Cormorants and Gulls!

With the sun shinning in our eyes the gray-blue waters topped with whitecaps and flocks of gulls hovering just above was so exciting when we first ventured out on our tour.

There was so much to see with Humpback Whale blows rising high in all directions, Great Blue Herons trying to keep balance on rafts of kelp forests, Dall's Porpoises swimming playfully around us while we sat idle watching, Stellar Sea Lions peering back at us while swimming nearby, Bald Eagles eyeing up a large salmon that was likely caught by one of them, meanwhile a Mink was feeding voraciously upon it as they watched!

The Grand Finale for all of us was absolutely fantastic and drew our season to a close so beautifully!

Photo credits: Muriel Halle. All images have been cropped and taken by a telephoto lens.