Humpbacks, Eaglets and a thrilling Porpoise Experience - July 17th

It was a spectacular day on the water today which provided pleasant and unexpected surprises which of course thrilled our guests.

Ten Humpbacks were seen which doubled our regular sighting of between three and five whales. Perhaps the food has arrived therefore more mouths can feed on the nutrient-rich and fish abundant sea. 

A unique experience occurred when at least twenty Dall's porpoises approached our still and silent vessel and milled about nearby. With the crystal clear water, we were able to view their vibrant black and white bodies and watch in awe their graceful movements as they swam about our boat for a number of minutes. Many a photo was taken, and for once they were easy to photograph. 

Our Bald Eagle chicks are growing up fast. Today one of the eaglets sat tall on the edge of the nest, his feathers getting darker and darker as the Eaglet moves towards fledging. Harbour seals were like freckles, covering rocks that stood out generously with the low tide. 

It was a warm, sunny and fun-filled day on our tour onboard M.V. Seasmoke. 

It was a spectacular day on the water today which provided pleasant and unexpected surprises which of course thrilled our guests.

Ten Humpbacks were seen which doubled our regular sighting of between three and five whales. Perhaps the food has arrived therefore more mouths can feed on the nutrient-rich and fish abundant sea. 

A unique experience occurred when at least twenty Dall's porpoises approached our still and silent vessel and milled about nearby. With the crystal clear water, we were able to view their vibrant black and white bodies and watch in awe their graceful movements as they swam about our boat for a number of minutes. Many a photo was taken, and for once they were easy to photograph. 

Our Bald Eagle chicks are growing up fast. Today one of the eaglets sat tall on the edge of the nest, his feathers getting darker and darker as the Eaglet moves towards fledging. Harbour seals were like freckles, covering rocks that stood out generously with the low tide. 

It was a warm, sunny and fun-filled day on our tour onboard M.V. Seasmoke.